Sunday, August 30, 2009


I found this on youtube. its the full song :) Hope this helps:D

jiahui here :))))

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Physical Training(P.T) Update

To all choir members, or at least to those who visit this blog..
This is a reminder that there is physical training this saturday at 8am
Everything will start at 8am sharp so please be in school at least 5-10min before 8am
and there will also be P.T every saturday starting from 29/8/09
Please remember to bring your equipment(badminton rackets,soccer ball, basketball and so on) or
you will have to run(because it's P.T)
Please bring an extra shirt to change after the P.T(all shirts must be school based)
Please don't be late or something very bad will happen to you (very very bad)
Muslim students are allowed not to participate in PT if you're fasting, when the fasting period is over, you will
have to participate in the P.T
That is all :D


Sunday, August 23, 2009

Physical Training(P.T)

hey ppl! 
Take note that with effect from tomorrow onwards, we will have PT every last saturday of each month. PT will start at 8am so please report to sch at an earlier time. All choir members would be required to bring their own equipment. (e.g badminton racket, basketball, soccer ball...etc)
There will be an official announcement on Tuesday, 25 August. Do pay attention to the announcement. :))
P.S. its mr lai, qianjing and kaixin's b'day on the 25 august!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Friday, August 07, 2009


Reminder to the blurr sotongs,
there is no choir tomorrow! 08.08.09

So please do not go to school tomorrow k?
Have a nice weekend!! (:


Thursday, August 06, 2009

National day!!!!

WOOHOO~~people!!!! tmr is the performance le. must do your BEST ok?? smilesmilesmile and smile, bouncebouncebounce and bounce, screamscreamscream and scream ok?? lols. it doesn't matter whether we screw up or not as long as we put in our best effort~ and.....pls stay in the rooms after the performance. its only for a short debrief session and i have smth to give you all :)))

all the best for tmr :)))
